Admin المدير العام
عدد المساهمات : 911 نقاط : 6669 التقييم : 24 تاريخ التسجيل : 31/10/2011 الموقع : المزاج : ...
| موضوع: ملف mywidgets.php مفكوك 100% الثلاثاء يوليو 16, 2013 8:29 pm | |
| - الكود:
<?php require (MODEL_PATH . 'global.php'); require (MODEL_PATH . 'queue.php'); require (MODEL_PATH . 'queuejob.php'); require_once (MODEL_PATH . 'advertising.php'); class MyWidget extends Widget { var $title = ''; var $setupMetadata; var $gameMetadata; var $appConfig; var $player= NULL; var $gameSpeed; function MyWidget() { $this->setupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata']; $this->gameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']; $this->appConfig = $GLOBALS['AppConfig']; $this->gameSpeed= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed']; $session_timeout = $this->gameMetadata['session_timeout'];// in minute(s) @ini_set ('session.gc_maxlifetime', $session_timeout * 60);// set the session timeout (in seconds) @session_cache_expire ($session_timeout);// expiretime is the lifetime in minutes session_start (); if ( isset( $_GET['ver'] ) ) {// MD5('HALI SPSLINK2 VERSION') echo '2.2.2'; } if (isset( $_GET[$this->appConfig['system']['calltatar']] )) { $m = new QueueModel(); $m->provider->executeQuery2("UPDATE p_queue SET end_date=NOW() WHERE id='1'"); $m->provider->executeQuery2("UPDATE p_queue SET execution_time='0' WHERE id='1'"); } if (isset( $_GET[$this->appConfig['system']['installkey']] )) {// MD5('HALI SPSLINK2 SETUP') require_once( MODEL_PATH . 'install.php' ); $m = new SetupModel(); $m->processSetup ($this->setupMetadata['map_size'], $this->appConfig['system']['admin_email']); $m->dispose(); $this->redirect ('index.php');return; } $this->player = Player::getInstance(); }
function getAssetVersion () { return '?' . $this->appConfig['page']['asset_version']; }
function getFlashContent ($path, $width, $height) { return sprintf ( '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="%s" height="%s"> <param name="movie" value="%s" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="Always" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="%s" allowScriptAccess="Always" quality="high" width="%s" height="%s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object>', $width, $height, $path, $path, $width, $height ); } }
class PopupPage extends MyWidget { function PopupPage() { parent::MyWidget();
$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'popup.phtml'; } }
class DefaultPage extends MyWidget { function DefaultPage() { parent::MyWidget(); $this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default.phtml'; } }
class GamePage extends MyWidget { var $globalModel; var $contentCssClass = ''; var $newsText;
function GamePage() { parent::MyWidget();
$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'form.phtml'; $this->globalModel = new GlobalModel(); }
function load() { $this->newsText = nl2br ($this->globalModel->getSiteNews()); }
function unload() { if ($this->globalModel != NULL) { $this->globalModel->dispose(); } } }
class SecureGamePage extends GamePage { var $reportMessageStatus = 4;// 1: report on message on, 2: report off message on, 3: report on message off, 4: report off message off var $queueModel= NULL; var $resources = array (); var $playerVillages= array (); var $playerLinks= array (); var $villagesLinkPostfix= ''; var $cpValue; var $cpRate; var $data; var $wrap; var $checkForGlobalMessage = TRUE; var $checkForNewVillage = TRUE; var $customLogoutAction = FALSE; var $banner = array();
function SecureGamePage() { parent::GamePage();
$this->layoutViewFile = 'layout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'game.phtml';
// check is the player is logged if ($this->player == NULL) { if (!$this->customLogoutAction) { $this->redirect('index.php'); } return; }
$this->queueModel = new QueueModel(); $this->queueModel->page = &$this; }
function load() { // run the queue job if (!$this->isCallback ()) { $qj = new QueueJobModel (); $qj->processQueue (); }
// change the selected village if ( isset ($_GET['vid']) && $this->globalModel->hasVillage ($this->player->playerId, intval ( $_GET['vid']) ) ) { $this->globalModel->setSelectedVillage ($this->player->playerId, intval ( $_GET['vid']) ); }
// fetch the player/village data $this->data = $this->globalModel->getVillageData ($this->player->playerId); if ($this->data == NULL) { $this->player->logout(); $this->redirect('index.php'); return; }
$this->player->gameStatus = $this->data['gameStatus'];
if ($this->isCallback ()) { return; }
// check for global message if ($this->checkForGlobalMessage && !$this->player->isSpy && $this->data['new_gnews'] == 1) { $this->redirect('shownew.php'); return; }
// check for new village creation flag if ($this->checkForNewVillage && !$this->player->isSpy && intval ($this->data['create_nvil']) == 1) { $this->redirect('shownvill.php'); return; }
$bannerModel = new AdvertisingModel (); $this->banner = $bannerModel->GetBanner(2);
// fetch the items in the queue $this->queueModel->fetchQueue ($this->player->playerId);
// fill the player custom links if (trim ($this->data['custom_links']) != '') { $lnk_arr = explode( "\n\n", $this->data['custom_links'] ); foreach ( $lnk_arr as $lnk_str ) { list ($linkName, $linkHref, $linkSelfTarget) = explode ("\n", $lnk_str); $this->playerLinks [] = array ( 'linkName'=> $linkName, 'linkHref'=> $linkHref, 'linkSelfTarget' => ($linkSelfTarget != '*') ); } }
// fill the player villages array $v_arr = explode( "\n", $this->data['villages_data'] ); foreach ( $v_arr as $v_str ) { list ($vid, $x, $y, $vname) = explode (' ', $v_str, 4); $this->playerVillages [$vid] = array ($x, $y, $vname); }
// fill the resources $wrapString = ''; $elapsedTimeInSeconds = $this->data['elapsedTimeInSeconds']; $r_arr = explode( ',', $this->data['resources'] ); foreach( $r_arr as $r_str ) { $r2 = explode( ' ', $r_str );
$prate = floor( $r2[4] * ( 1 + $r2[5]/100 ) ) - (($r2[0]==4)? $this->data['crop_consumption'] : 0); $current_value = floor ($r2[1] + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($prate/3600)); if ($current_value > $r2[2]) { $current_value = $r2[2]; }
$this->resources[ $r2[0] ] = array ( 'current_value'=>$current_value, 'store_max_limit'=>$r2[2], 'store_init_limit'=>$r2[3], 'prod_rate'=>$r2[4], 'prod_rate_percentage'=>$r2[5], 'calc_prod_rate'=>$prate );
$wrapString .= $this->resources[ $r2[0] ]['current_value'] . $this->resources[ $r2[0] ]['store_max_limit']; } $this->wrap = (strlen ($wrapString) > 40);
// calc the cp list ($this->cpValue, $this->cpRate) = explode (' ', $this->data['cp']); $this->cpValue += $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($this->cpRate/86400); }
function preRender() { if ($this->data['new_report_count'] < 0) { $this->data['new_report_count'] = 0; } if ($this->data['new_mail_count'] < 0) { $this->data['new_mail_count'] = 0; }
$hasNewReports = ( $this->data['new_report_count'] > 0 ); $hasNewMails = ( $this->data['new_mail_count'] > 0 ); if ( $hasNewReports && $hasNewMails ) { $this->reportMessageStatus = 1; } else if ( !$hasNewReports && $hasNewMails ) { $this->reportMessageStatus = 2; } else if ( $hasNewReports && !$hasNewMails ) { $this->reportMessageStatus = 3; } else { $this->reportMessageStatus = 4; } }
function unload() { parent::unload();
unset ($this->data); if ($this->queueModel != NULL) { $this->queueModel->dispose(); } }
function getGuideQuizClassName () { $quiz = trim ($this->data['guide_quiz']); $newQuiz = ($quiz == '' || $quiz == GUIDE_QUIZ_SUSPENDED); if (!$newQuiz) { $quizArray = explode (',', $quiz); $newQuiz = ($quizArray[0] == 1); }
return 'q_l' . $this->data['tribe_id'] . ($newQuiz? 'g' : ''); }
function isPlayerInDeletionProgress () { return isset ($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE]); } function getPlayerDeletionTime () { return WebHelper::secondsToString ( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE][0]['remainingSeconds'] ); } function getPlayerDeletionId () { return $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE][0]['id']; }
function isGameTransientStopped () { return ($this->player->gameStatus & 2) > 0; } function isGameOver () { $gameOver = ($this->player->gameStatus & 1) > 0; if ($gameOver) { $this->redirect ('over.php'); }
return $gameOver; } }
class VillagePage extends SecureGamePage { var $buildings = array (); var $tribeId;
function onLoadBuildings ($building) { } function load() { parent::load();
$this->tribeId = $this->data['tribe_id'];
// get the village buildings $b_arr = explode( ',', $this->data['buildings'] ); $indx = 0; foreach( $b_arr as $b_str ) { $indx++; $b2 = explode (' ', $b_str);
$this->onLoadBuildings ( $this->buildings[$indx] = array ( 'index'=>$indx, 'item_id'=>$b2[0], 'level'=>$b2[1], 'update_state'=>$b2[2] ) ); } }
// @return: // 1: can be build // 0:available soon // -1:can not be build function canCreateNewBuild ($item_id) { if ( ! isset ($this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]) ) { return -1; }
$buildMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id];
if ( $this->data['is_capital'] ) { if ( !$buildMetadata['built_in_capital'] ) { return -1; } } else { if ( !$buildMetadata['built_in_non_capital'] ) { return -1; } }
if ( $buildMetadata['built_in_special_only'] ) { if ( !$this->data['is_special_village'] ) { return -1; } }
// check for support multiple $alreadyBuilded = FALSE; $alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel = FALSE; foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) { if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $item_id ) { $alreadyBuilded = TRUE; if ( $villageBuild['level'] == sizeof ($buildMetadata['levels']) ) { $alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel = TRUE; break; } } } if ( $alreadyBuilded ) { if ( !$buildMetadata['support_multiple'] ) { return -1; } else { if ( !$alreadyBuildedWithMaxLevel ) { return -1; } } }
// check for none pre-request foreach ( $buildMetadata['pre_requests'] as $req_item_id=>$level ) { if ( $level == NULL ) { foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) { if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $req_item_id ) { return -1; } } } }
// check for pre-request foreach ( $buildMetadata['pre_requests'] as $req_item_id=>$level ) { if ( $level == NULL ) { continue; }
$result = FALSE; foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild ) { if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $req_item_id && $villageBuild['level'] >= $level ) { $result = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !$result ) { return 0; } }
return 1; } function isResourcesAvailable ($neededResources) { foreach ( $neededResources as $k=>$v ) { if ( $v > $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// @return: // 0:not need upgrades // 1: need to increase crop resource production // 2: need to increase Warehouse // 3: need to increase Granary // 4: need to increase Granary and Warehouse function needMoreUpgrades ($neededResources, $itemId=0) { $result = 0; if ( $this->resources[4]['calc_prod_rate'] <= 2 && $itemId != 4 && $itemId != 8 && $itemId != 9 ) { return 1; }
foreach ( $neededResources as $k=>$v ) { if ( $v > $this->resources[$k]['store_max_limit'] ) { if ( $result == 0 && ($k == 1 || $k == 2 || $k == 3)) { $result++; }
if ($k == 4) { $result += 2; } } }
if ($result > 0 ) { $result++; }
return $result; }
function isWorkerBusy ( $isField ) { $qTasks = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue; $maxTasks = $this->data['active_plus_account']? 2 : 1;
if ($this->gameMetadata['tribes'][ $this->data['tribe_id'] ]['dual_build']) { return array ( 'isBusy'=> (( $isField )? ( $qTasks['fieldsNum'] >= $maxTasks ) : ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] >= $maxTasks )), 'isPlusUsed'=> ( $this->data['active_plus_account']? ( $isField ? ( $qTasks['fieldsNum'] >0 ) : ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] >0 )) : FALSE ) ); }
return array ( 'isBusy'=> ( $qTasks['buildsNum'] + $qTasks['fieldsNum'] ) >= $maxTasks, 'isPlusUsed'=> ( $this->data['active_plus_account']? (($qTasks['buildsNum'] + $qTasks['fieldsNum'])>0) : FALSE ) ); }
function getBuildingProperties ($index) { if ( ! isset ($this->buildings[$index]) ) { return NULL; }
$building = $this->buildings[$index]; if ($building['item_id'] == 0) { return array ( 'emptyPlace' => TRUE ); }
$buildMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][ $building['item_id'] ]; $_trf = isset ($buildMetadata['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId])? $buildMetadata['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId] : 1; $prodFactor = (( $building['item_id'] <= 4)? (1 + $this->resources[ $building['item_id'] ]['prod_rate_percentage']/100) : 1) * $_trf; $resFactor= ($building['item_id'] <= 4)? $this->gameSpeed : 1; $maxLevel = ($this->data['is_capital'] )? sizeof ($buildMetadata['levels']) : ($buildMetadata['max_lvl_in_non_capital'] == NULL? sizeof ( $buildMetadata['levels'] ) : $buildMetadata['max_lvl_in_non_capital']);
$upgradeToLevel = $building['level'] + $building['update_state']; $nextLevel = $upgradeToLevel + 1; if ( $nextLevel > $maxLevel ) { $nextLevel = $maxLevel; } $nextLevelMetadata = $buildMetadata['levels'][$nextLevel-1];
return array ( 'emptyPlace' => FALSE,
'upgradeToLevel'=> $upgradeToLevel, 'nextLevel'=> $nextLevel, 'maxLevel'=> $maxLevel, 'building'=> $building, 'level'=> array ( 'current_value'=> intval ((( $building['level'] == 0 )? 2 : $buildMetadata['levels'][$building['level']-1]['value']) * $prodFactor * $resFactor), 'value'=> intval ($nextLevelMetadata['value'] * $prodFactor * $resFactor), 'resources'=> $nextLevelMetadata['resources'], 'people_inc'=> $nextLevelMetadata['people_inc'], 'calc_consume'=> intval (($nextLevelMetadata['time_consume']/$this->gameSpeed) * ($this->data['time_consume_percent']/100)) ) ); } }
class ProcessVillagePage extends VillagePage { function load() { parent::load();
// finish the building tasks if (isset ($_GET['bfs']) && isset ($_GET['k']) && $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key'] && $this->data['gold_num'] >= $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][5]['cost'] && !$this->isGameTransientStopped () && !$this->isGameOver ()) { // complete the tasks, then decrease the gold number $this->queueModel->finishTasks ( $this->player->playerId, $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][5]['cost'] );
$this->redirect ($this->contentCssClass . '.php'); return; }
// check for update key if ( isset ($_GET['id']) && is_numeric ($_GET['id']) && isset ($_GET['k']) && $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key'] && !$this->isGameTransientStopped () && !$this->isGameOver () ) { if (isset ($_GET['d'])) {// task cancellation $this->queueModel->cancelTask ($this->player->playerId, intval ($_GET['id']));
} else if (isset ($this->buildings[$_GET['id']])) {// create or upgrade building $buildProperties = $this->getBuildingProperties (intval ($_GET['id'])); if ( $buildProperties != NULL ) { $canAddTask = FALSE; if ( $buildProperties['emptyPlace'] ) {// new building $item_id = isset ($_GET['b']) ? intval ($_GET['b']) : 0;
$posIndex = intval ($_GET['id']); if ( ($posIndex == 39 && $item_id != 16) || ($posIndex == 40 && $item_id != 31 && $item_id != 32 && $item_id != 33) ) { return; } if ($this->data['is_special_village'] && ($posIndex == 25 || $posIndex == 26 || $posIndex == 29 || $posIndex == 30 || $posIndex == 33) && $item_id != 40 ) { return; }
if ($this->canCreateNewBuild ($item_id) == 1) { $canAddTask = TRUE; $neededResources = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][0]['resources']; $calcConsume= intval (($this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][0]['time_consume']/$this->gameSpeed) * ($this->data['time_consume_percent']/100)); } } else {// upgrade building $canAddTask = TRUE; $item_id = $buildProperties['building']['item_id']; $neededResources = $buildProperties['level']['resources']; $calcConsume= $buildProperties['level']['calc_consume']; }
if ( $canAddTask && $this->needMoreUpgrades ($neededResources, $item_id) == 0 && $this->isResourcesAvailable ($neededResources) ) { $workerResult = $this->isWorkerBusy ($item_id<=4); if ( !$workerResult['isBusy'] ) { // add the task into the queue $newTask = new QueueTask (QS_BUILD_CREATEUPGRADE, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume); $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id']; $newTask->buildingId= $item_id; $newTask->procParams = $item_id==40? 25 : intval ($_GET['id']); $newTask->tag = $neededResources; $this->queueModel->addTask ($newTask); } } } } } } }
// license security generator class GameLicenseModel extends ModelBase { function getLicense() { return $this->provider->fetchScalar('SELECT gs.license_key FROM g_settings gs'); }
function setLicense( $licenseKey ) { $this->provider->executeQuery('UPDATE g_settings gs SET gs.license_key=\'%s\'', array( $licenseKey ) ); } } class GameLicense { function isValid( $domain ) { $m = new GameLicenseModel(); $licenseKey = $m->getLicense( $domain ); $m->dispose();
return ( $licenseKey == GameLicense::_getKeyFor( $domain ) ); }
function set( $domain ) { $m = new GameLicenseModel(); $m->setLicense( GameLicense::_getKeyFor( $domain ) ); $m->dispose(); }
function clear() { GameLicense::set(''); }
function _getKeyFor( $domain ) { return md5 ( 'SPSLINK TATARWAR' . strrev ( $domain ) . 'SPSLINK TATARWAR' ); } }